
[30.05.2005, KNIŽNICA KI]

Autor/Author: Michael Novak (ed.)

Názov/Title: Capitalism and Socialism: A Theological Inquiry Oblasť/ Subject: Religion, politics and society

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by: 1979, American Enterprise Institute, USA

Abstrakt/Abstract: This book addresses the problems posed for the world religions by rival economic systems. Under the auspices of Syracuse University's Department of Religion and AEI, some thirty-five theologians, professors of the humanities, and graduate students gathered for a week to sharpen their understanding of the religion values at stake under capitalism and socialism

Dar od/Donated by: American Enterprise Institute, USA


Autor/Author: Robert Nisbet

Názov/Title: Konzervatismus: sen a realita

Oblasť/ Subject: Politika (Konzervativizmus)

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by: 1993, Občanský institut, Praha, Česko

Abstrakt/Abstract: -

Dar od/Donated by: -


Autor/Author: Michael Novak

Názov/Title: The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism

Oblasť/ Subject: Society

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by: 1991, Madison Books, USA

Abstrakt/Abstract: “Incredible as it may seem, this is the first book to provide us with a critical appreciation of democratic capitalism from a theological point of view. It is unquestionably a major work for our times.”

Irving Kristol
Editor, The Public Interest

Dar od/Donated by: Michael Novak


Autor/Author: Michael Novak

Názov/Title: Three in One

Oblasť/ Subject: Society

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by: 2001, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, USA

Abstrakt/Abstract: “Three in One is a fascinating collection of essays on the centrality of faith and culture in our economic life. Michael Novak is an authentic compassionate conservative. He is a passionate, though not uncritical, champion of democratic capitalism. These essays are not only profound, they also are fun.”

Albert Hunt
Wall Street Journal

Dar od/Donated by: Michael Novak


Autor/Author: Michael Novak

Názov/Title: The Universal Hunger for Liberty

Oblasť/ Subject: 2004, Basic Books, USA

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by:

Abstrakt/Abstract: “This valuable book illuminates the critical impact of liberty not just on one or another activity, but on the whole of a society. I enthusiastically recommend it.”

Jeane Kirkpatrick

Dar od/Donated by: Michael Novak


Autor/Author: Michael Novak

Názov/Title: On Cultivating Liberty

Oblasť/ Subject: Society

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by: 1999, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, USA

Abstrakt/Abstract: “On Cultivating Liberty is a compelling brief against the moral deregulation that threatens the free market and the democratic experiment alike.”

Mary Ann Glendon
Harvard Law School

Dar od/Donated by: Michael Novak


Autor/Author: Michael Novak

Názov/Title: Morality, Capitalism and Democracy

Oblasť/ Subject: Society

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by: 1990, The IEA Health and Welfare Unit, UK

Abstrakt/Abstract: Michael Novak's Morality, Capitalism and Democracy is a timely reminder thatcapitalism alone recognises that the wealth of nations is to be found in the creativity of the human person.

Dar od/Donated by: Michael Novak


Autor/Author: Johan Norberg

Názov/Title: Globalizace

Oblasť/ Subject: Ekonomie

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by: 2006, Alpha Publishing a Liberální institut, Praha

Abstrakt/Abstract: Prosperity lze dosáhnout jen díky integraci do světových trhů, založené na volném pohybu zboží, služeb a výrobních faktorů. Dnes tento proces označujeme novým termínem globalizace, avšak o nic nového se nejedná. Stejná a v mnohých aspektech ještě intenzivnější globalizace probíhala i ve druhé polovině 19. století. Stejně jako dříve i dnes platí, že pokud jsou lidé odkázáni jen na to, co si sami vymyslí a vyrobí, budou bojovat o holé přežití.

Kniha Johana Norberga, která se dočkává i českého překladu, je pečlivě vytvořeným souborem argumentů, které uvedou tezi dokládají. Nesklouzává k ideologickým argumentům, ale na jasných empirických datech dokládá to, co si ekonomové od zrodu své discipliny myslí, totiž že totiž dělba práce a směna jsou zdrojem bohatství a že kladení umělých překážek rozvoji dobrovolných lidských aktivit bohatství naopak ničí.

Dar od/Donated by: -


Autor/Author: Peter Nolan & Sacha Kumaria (ed.)

Názov/Title: Power Failure - The Politics of Energy in Western Europe

Oblasť/ Subject: Energetics

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by: 2006, Stockholm Network, London

Abstrakt/Abstract: An examination of the progress of liberalisation in the six major Western European energy markets - France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Dar od/Donated by: Stockholm Network


Autor/Author: Robert Nef

Názov/Title: The welfare state destroys the welfare and the state

Oblasť/ Subject: Social Policy

Rok vydania, vydavateľ/Published in & by: 2006, Liberales Institut, Zürich

Abstrakt/Abstract: The main weakness of the welfare is not that it is becoming steadily unaffordable, but that it is sawing off the social branch it sits on. A society in which people lose the volition and motivation to spontaneously assist and help each other is doomed, even if its economic productivity still suffices to maintain and even expand its flawed structures. Social behaviour evolves from generation to generation in slow, civilisational learning processes. This evolvement might not be able to keep up with the pace of decay. The decisive bottleneck is not in the financing, it is in the human soul.

Dar od/Donated by: -

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