2007 Projects

[01.01.2008, Admin, PROJECTS]

Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (CEQLS)

Co-ordinator: Peter Gonda

In 2007, CI continued organizing lectures of important foreign economists within the cycle of Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (CEQLS). Three lectures were carried out in 2007. Mr. Peter Gonda was the project co-ordinator.

Academy of Classical Economics

Co-ordinator: Peter Gonda

In 2007, CI executed the project called Academy of Classical Economics, which included eight seminars on economic issues. Mr. Peter Gonda was the project co-ordinator.

Reader's Literacy

Co-ordinator: Zuzana Humajová

In 2007, CI continued running the project called Reader's Literacy as the Education Quality Problem in Slovak Primary Schools. Ms. Zuzana Humajová was the project manager.

Education for Life

Co-ordinators: Peter Zajac and Zuzana Humajová

In 2007, CI also continued with the project Education for Life, aimed to education of primary-school teachers. The project keeps running also in 2008. Mr. Peter Zajac was the project co-ordinator and Ms. Zuzana Humajová was the project manager.

Partnerships for Development

Co-ordinator: Dušan Sloboda

CI continued running also the project Partnerships for Development, which included some communication activities (Konzervatívne listy, website). Mr. Dušan Sloboda was the co-ordinator of these CI communication activities.

Eurofunds Watchdog

Co-ordinator: Ivan Kuhn

In 2007, CI launched the project called Eurofunds Watchdog – Decrease of the Risk of Corruption through Monitoring of Projects Financed from the EU Funds. Mr. Ivan Kuhn was the project co-ordinator.

Support to Slovak Value-Oriented Foreign Policy

Co-ordinator: Ivan Kuhn

In 2007, CI launched the project called Support to Slovak Value-Oriented Foreign Policy. Mr. Ivan Kuhn was the project co-ordinator.

The Government and the Non-Profit Sector Environment

Co-ordinator: Ondrej Dostál

In 2007, CI launched the project called The Government and the Non-Profit Sector Environment. Mr. Ondrej Dostál was the project co-ordinator.