2008 Projects

[01.01.2009, Admin, PROJECTS]

Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (CEQLS)

Co-ordinator: Peter Gonda

In 2008, CI continued organizing lectures of important foreign economists within the cycle of Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (CEQLS). Four lectures were carried out in 2008. Mr. Peter Gonda was the project co-ordinator.

Academy of Classical Economics

Co-ordinator: Peter Gonda

In 2008, CI continued running the Classic Economy Academy project, starting with the second grade. Within this project, seminars on economic issues took place. Mr. Peter Gonda was the project coordinator.

Education for Life

Co-ordinator: Peter Zajac and Zuzana Humajová

In 2008, CI concluded the Education for Life project, aimed to education of primary-school teachers. Mr. Peter Zajac was the project coordinator and Ms. Zuzana Humajová was the project manager.

Eurofunds Watchdog

Co-ordinator: Ivan Kuhn

In 2008, CI executed the Eurofunds Watchdog – Decrease of the Risk of Corruption through Monitoring of Projects Financed from the EU Funds project. Mr. Ivan Kuhn was the project coordinator. This project continues in 2009.

Support to Slovak Value-Oriented Foreign Policy

Co-ordinator: Ivan Kuhn

In 2008, CI carried out the Support to Slovak Value-Oriented Foreign Policy project. Mr. Ivan Kuhn was the project coordinator. This project continues in 2009.