2003 Conservative Clubs

[01.01.2004, Admin, CONSERVATIVE CLUBS]

A club meeting devoted to the War in Iraq was held in March 2003. This, at the time, very moving topic was approached by František Mikloško, a Member of Parliament and František Šebej, a publicist, foreign policy analyst and vice chairman of the Civic Conservative Party. The debate was chaired by Jaroslav Daniška, a co-worker of the Conservative Institute.

In April 2003, the Conservative Institute and the Civic Democratic Youth (ODM) Bratislava held a club meeting dealing with the topic Perspectives of Everyday Changes After the Accession of the Slovak Republic to NATO. The lecturers were Colonel Jaroslav Cisár, a Defence Attaché of the Czech Republic to the SR and Karel Ludvík, a Police Attaché of the Czech Republic to the SR.

By the end of April 2003, the Conservative Institute held another club meeting focusing on American Social Policy: Importance of Decentralisation with Bill Baker from the Association for Social Reform.

Michaela Freiová from the Civic Institute (Prague) was a guest at a club meeting in September 2003 and presented her views on the topic The Church and the State – a Model for Free Society.

Is there any alternative to the membership in NATO for Slovakia? Two different answers to this question were offered by two Slovak conservatives at a conservative club meeting in November 2003 – Ján Čarnogurský (an advocate, former Minister of Justice, former Chairman of the Christian Democratic Movement, former Prime Minister of the SR in 1991 – 1992, and former Minister of Justice in 1998 – 2002) and Peter Osuský (an educator, Vice-Chairman of the Civic Conservative Party, in 1998 – 2002 he was a Member of the Parliament). The meeting was chaired by co-worker of the Conservative Institute Tomáš Zálešák.

In December 2003, there was a club meeting dealing with the topic NATO As Seen by the Conservatives and Libertarians. Is an institution like NATO needed? Is use of power acceptable in international relations? Could a war be rightful? Is an active foreign policy of the state at variance with personal freedom? Roman Joch from the Civic Institute (Prague), Matúš Petrík and Martin Thomay from the Free Society Institute discussed with attendants at which points the answers provided by the conservatives and libertarians differ.