Conservative Institute of M. R. ©tefánik (CI) is a non-profit non-governmental organisation – a conservatively oriented think-tank.
Conservative Institute to Take Over the 2009 Templeton Freedom Award
[20.10.2009, NEWS]
The Atlas Economic Research Foundation has published the results of the Templeton Freedom Awards. One of the laureates of this prestigious prize for 2009 is the Conservative Institute of M. R. ©tefánik, awarded for the implementation of the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (CEQLS)...
2007 Templeton Freedom Awards: Honorable Mention for Conservative Institute
[13.03.2007, Admin, ABOUT INSTITUTE]
Conservative Institute has received Honorable Mention from the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, which manages 2007 Templeton Freedom Awards...
Conservative Institute of M. R. ©tefánik
[03.03.2005, ABOUT INSTITUTE]
Find a short presentation about Institute here...
Board of Directors
[03.03.2005, WHO WE ARE]
[30.03.2009, ACTIVITIES]
Activities of the CI are targeted at the economy, social policy, home and foreign policies, security, EU issues, agrarian and environmental policies, regional policy, civic society, fight against corruption and support of culture and arts...
[01.01.2009, PROJECTS]
In the period 2001-2008 the CI carried out projects and events which complied with the purpose of the CI especially as regards the development and protection of conservative democratic values and support for civil actions targeted at the development of conservative democratic values in the Slovak Republic and support of culture, research and education...