Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik
with the support of general partner
Nadácia Tatra banky
in partnership with
New Direction – The Foundation for European Reform
Collegium of Anton Neuwirth
organized in Ivanka pri Dunaji on September 18, 2012 a special CEQLS Lecture (for info on a regular CEQLS lecture see here) organized within
Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series /CEQLS/:
Christian Roots of the Free Society
Lecture given by:
Alejandro A. Chafuen
President of The Atlas Economic Research Foundation (USA)
Hosted by:
Martin Luterán, Rector of the Collegium of Anton Neuwirth
Peter Gonda, the Conservative Institute Director
Alejandro A. Chafuen: Special CEQLS Lecture for the Conservative Institute, Bratislava, September 18, 2012
Alejandro A. Chafuen: Special CEQLS Lecture for the Conservative Institute, Bratislava, September 18, 2012
Alejandro Antonio Chafuen is president of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation since 1991 which works to help create and nurture think tanks across the globe.
He is a senior fellow of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty and on the governing board of several think tanks including Fraser Institute in Canada, Acton Institute in Michigan, Alliance for the Family (USA), CEDICE (Venezuela) and Fundación Internacional para La Libertad (Madrid). He is president and founder of the Hispánskeho amerického centra pre ekonomický výskum and International Freedom Educational Foundation. He is a member of the John Templeton Foundation, Templeton Religion Trust, and World Charity Foundation and trustee of Grove City College (PA).
A U.S. citizen, born in Argentina in 1954, and a graduate of the Argentine Catholic University, Chafuen received his Doctorate under Dr. Hans F. Sennholz, a disciple of Ludwig von Mises, and an honorary doctorate from the Universidad Francisco Marroquín. Among his many writings, he is the author of Faith and Liberty which has been translated into Polish, Czech, Italian and Spanish. He has been member of the Mont Pelerin Society since 1980 and is member of the Philadelphia Society. In 2007 he received the Nassau Institute Freedom Prize, and in 2010, the Global Leadership Award from the Leadership Institute US.
Alejandro A. Chafuen is author of several studies, articles and books, we mention for example Faith and Liberty: The Economic Thought of the Late Scholastics (2nd edition in 2003). This book was published in 2011 also in the Czech version titled Víra a svoboda. Read, what Thomas E. Woods, Jr. or Jeffrey A. Tucker wrote about it.
· The Origins of Free Market, The Philadelphia Society Annual Meeting, April 26, 1997
· Economic Growth and Welfare in Catholic Thinking, Philadelphia Society Meeting, April 29, 1995
· Locke and Religion
· Immigration, the Latino community, and the Bush agenda
Evangelical Philosophical Society: Alex Chafuen: On Corruption
CEQLS 2012 General Partner:
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