Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series /CEQLS/ means series of public lectures of worldwide well-known economists held by Conservative Institute quarterly in Bratislava since 2005.
Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik received prestigious 2009 Templeton Freedom Award in the Ethics and Values category for the implementation of a cycle of economic lectures CEQLS. Find out more here .
Overview of the CEQLS lectures realized so far is available below:
December 6, 2018
Deirdre McCloskey: Capitalism is the Only Ethical System
Lecture materials:
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June 11, 2018
Leszek Balcerowicz: Good and Bad Transformation
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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March 26, 2018
Robert Nef: The Welfare State in the Trap of Redistributionism
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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September 25, 2017
Tom G. Palmer: Varieties of Socialism and the Threat to Liberty and Social Cooperation
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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April 25, 2017
Bart J. Wilson: Humanomics: A Moral Science of Economics
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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October 13, 2016
Jörg Guido Hülsmann: Financial Markets and the Wealth of Nations
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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June 20, 2016
Patrick Michaels: Lukewarming | The New Climate Science that Changes Everything
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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September 24, 2015
Philip Booth: Death by demography: How Europe´s indebted welfare states will collapse
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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June 1, 2015
Enrico Colombatto: The Moral Foundations of Free Market Economics
Lecture materials:
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December 8, 2014
Milan Zelený:
New Global Trends: Deglobalization, Relocalization, Regionalization and Decentralization
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation (available only in Czech)...
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September 22, 2014
Madsen Pirie: Markets and Morals - a Natural Partnership
Lecture materials:
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April 7, 2014
Michael C. Munger: The Entrepreneurial Virtues
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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September 26, 2013
Anthony de Jasay: Egalitarianism as a Political Religion
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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May 13, 2013
George A. Selgin: Privatization of Money
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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March 12, 2013
Richard Ebeling: The Crisis of the Monetary-Fiscal Interventionist State
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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November 19, 2012
Hardy Bouillon: Why Social Justice is not Just
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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September 18, 2012
Special CEQLS Lecture: Alejandro A. Chafuen: Christian Roots of the Free Society
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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September 17, 2012
Alejandro A. Chafuen: Economic Freedom and Corruption
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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June 11, 2012
Roland Vaubel:
Why Europe should not be centralised
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
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March 12, 2012
David Schmidtz: Tragedy of Commons. On Ecology and Economics
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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December 12, 2011
Shane Frith: Why State Healthcare Systems Are Failing
Lecture materials:
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September 26, 2011
Robert P. Murphy:
Money & Banking: State vs. Market
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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June 13, 2011
Philipp Bagus: The Tragedy of the Euro
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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March 28, 2011
Peter J. Boettke: Why Are Some Nations Rich and Others Poor?
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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January 13, 2011
Steven Horwitz: Capitalism and the Family
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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September 20, 2010
Tim Evans: The Relevance of Classical Liberal Political Economy in Today´s World
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
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May 18, 2010
Charles Murray: Collapse of the Welfare State and the European Social Model
Lecture materials:
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March 22, 2010
Richard A. Epstein: Economic and Legal Foundations of a Free Society
Lecture materials:
Abstract and video...
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November 23, 2009
Gene Smiley: Great Depression and Current Economic Crisis: Similarities and Differences
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
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September 28, 2009
Jesús Huerta de Soto: The Financial Crisis and the Economic Recession
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
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May 14, 2009
Samuel Gregg: The Financial Crisis: Government Intervention and Moral Failure
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
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December 10, 2008
Marcel Guarnizo: Economics, Philosophy and Foundations of Democracy
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
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September 11, 2008
José Piñera: Private vs. Public Pension Systems
Lecture materials:
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June 12, 2008
Victoria Curzon-Price:
Managing Diversity and Competition in Switzerland: Lessons for Europe?
Lecture materials:
Abstract and presentation...
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March 17, 2008
Pierre Garello: Third Way as a Dead End: French Experience
Lecture materials:
Presentation, abstract and video...
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December 7, 2007
Ľuboš Pástor: Chicago Economic School and Its Relevance to the Present
Lecture materials:
Abstract /only in Slovak language/...
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June 28, 2007
Michael Novak: Economics, Ethics and the Crisis of the Welfare State
Lecture materials:
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March 21, 2007
Pascal Salin: Why We Need Capitalism and Competition
Lecture materials:
Video /only in French language/...
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December 13, 2006
Josef Šíma: Property Rights vs. “Public Interest”
Lecture materials:
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October 23, 2006
Johnny Munkhammar: Copy the Nordic Solutions – Not the Problems!
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
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June 27, 2006
Richard W. Rahn: The Keys to Economic Growth and Freedom and the Role of the Government
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
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March 9, 2006
Ted Abram: The Sad History of Welfare in Modern America
Lecture materials:
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December 8, 2005
William A. Niskanen: Alternative Political and Economic Futures for Europe
Lecture materials:
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October 17, 2005
Daniel J. Mitchell: Tax Competition and the European Union
Lecture materials:
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June 15, 2005
Marian L. Tupy: Slovakia and the Euro: No Need To Rush In
Lecture materials:
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