Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series /CEQLS/ means series of public lectures of worldwide well-known economists held by Conservative Institute quarterly in Bratislava since 2005.
Conservative Institute of M. R. ©tefánik received prestigious 2009 Templeton Freedom Award in the Ethics and Values category for the implementation of a cycle of economic lectures CEQLS. Find out more here.
Overview of the CEQLS lectures realized so far is available below:
December 6, 2018
Deirdre McCloskey: Capitalism is the Only Ethical System
Lecture materials:
June 11, 2018
Leszek Balcerowicz: Good and Bad Transformation
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
March 26, 2018
Robert Nef: The Welfare State in the Trap of Redistributionism
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
September 25, 2017
Tom G. Palmer: Varieties of Socialism and the Threat to Liberty and Social Cooperation
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
April 25, 2017
Bart J. Wilson: Humanomics: A Moral Science of Economics
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
October 13, 2016
Jörg Guido Hülsmann: Financial Markets and the Wealth of Nations
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
June 20, 2016
Patrick Michaels: Lukewarming | The New Climate Science that Changes Everything
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
September 24, 2015
Philip Booth: Death by demography: How Europe´s indebted welfare states will collapse
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
June 1, 2015
Enrico Colombatto: The Moral Foundations of Free Market Economics
Lecture materials:
December 8, 2014
Milan Zelený: New Global Trends: Deglobalization, Relocalization, Regionalization and Decentralization
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation (available only in Czech)...
September 22, 2014
Madsen Pirie: Markets and Morals - a Natural Partnership
Lecture materials:
April 7, 2014
Michael C. Munger: The Entrepreneurial Virtues
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
September 26, 2013
Anthony de Jasay: Egalitarianism as a Political Religion
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
May 13, 2013
George A. Selgin: Privatization of Money
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
March 12, 2013
Richard Ebeling: The Crisis of the Monetary-Fiscal Interventionist State
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
November 19, 2012
Hardy Bouillon: Why Social Justice is not Just
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
September 18, 2012
Special CEQLS Lecture: Alejandro A. Chafuen: Christian Roots of the Free Society
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
September 17, 2012
Alejandro A. Chafuen: Economic Freedom and Corruption
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
June 11, 2012
Roland Vaubel: Why Europe should not be centralised
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
March 12, 2012
David Schmidtz: Tragedy of Commons. On Ecology and Economics
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
December 12, 2011
Shane Frith: Why State Healthcare Systems Are Failing
Lecture materials:
September 26, 2011
Robert P. Murphy: Money & Banking: State vs. Market
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
June 13, 2011
Philipp Bagus: The Tragedy of the Euro
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
March 28, 2011
Peter J. Boettke: Why Are Some Nations Rich and Others Poor?
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
January 13, 2011
Steven Horwitz: Capitalism and the Family
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
September 20, 2010
Tim Evans: The Relevance of Classical Liberal Political Economy in Today´s World
Lecture materials:
Video and presentation...
May 18, 2010
Charles Murray: Collapse of the Welfare State and the European Social Model
Lecture materials:
March 22, 2010
Richard A. Epstein: Economic and Legal Foundations of a Free Society
Lecture materials:
Abstract and video...
November 23, 2009
Gene Smiley: Great Depression and Current Economic Crisis: Similarities and Differences
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
September 28, 2009
Jesús Huerta de Soto: The Financial Crisis and the Economic Recession
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
May 14, 2009
Samuel Gregg: The Financial Crisis: Government Intervention and Moral Failure
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
December 10, 2008
Marcel Guarnizo: Economics, Philosophy and Foundations of Democracy
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
September 11, 2008
José Piñera: Private vs. Public Pension Systems
Lecture materials:
June 12, 2008
Victoria Curzon-Price: Managing Diversity and Competition in Switzerland: Lessons for Europe?
Lecture materials:
Abstract and presentation...
March 17, 2008
Pierre Garello: Third Way as a Dead End: French Experience
Lecture materials:
Presentation, abstract and video...
December 7, 2007
Ąuboą Pástor: Chicago Economic School and Its Relevance to the Present
Lecture materials:
Abstract /only in Slovak language/...
June 28, 2007
Michael Novak: Economics, Ethics and the Crisis of the Welfare State
Lecture materials:
March 21, 2007
Pascal Salin: Why We Need Capitalism and Competition
Lecture materials:
Video /only in French language/...
December 13, 2006
Josef ©íma: Property Rights vs. “Public Interest”
Lecture materials:
October 23, 2006
Johnny Munkhammar: Copy the Nordic Solutions – Not the Problems!
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
June 27, 2006
Richard W. Rahn: The Keys to Economic Growth and Freedom and the Role of the Government
Lecture materials:
Transcript and video...
March 9, 2006
Ted Abram: The Sad History of Welfare in Modern America
Lecture materials:
December 8, 2005
William A. Niskanen: Alternative Political and Economic Futures for Europe
Lecture materials:
October 17, 2005
Daniel J. Mitchell: Tax Competition and the European Union
Lecture materials:
June 15, 2005
Marian L. Tupy: Slovakia and the Euro: No Need To Rush In
Lecture materials: