
CEQLS Lecture - Victoria Curzon-Price:
Managing Diversity and Competition in Switzerland: Lessons for Europe?

[16.06.2008, CEQLS]

in co-operation with

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thanks to a sponsorship by

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organized the lecture given by

Victoria Curzon-Price
/Professor of economics at the University of Geneva and Vice-President of the Mont Pèlerin Society/

on June 12, 2008 in Bratislava within

Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series /CEQLS/

Managing Diversity and Competition in Switzerland: Lessons for Europe?

Victoria Curzon-Price is Professor of economics at the University of Geneva. Current positions include: Delegate (Liberal Party) to Grand Conseil Etat de Genève, Senior Vice-President of the Mont Pèlerin Society, member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Institute of Economic Affairs, London, the Centre for the New Europe, Brussels, Institut Constant de Rebecque, Lausanne, the L’Institut de Recherches Économiques et Fiscales (I.R.E.F.), Luxembourg.
Previous positions include: Member of the Board and subsequently President of the Mont Pèlerin Society (2004-06), member of the University Council, University of Geneva, 2003-07), Director of the European Institute of the University of Geneva (1994-98), faculty member of the International Management Institute, Geneva (1972-1990) and visiting professor at the University of Amsterdam during the 1980s.
Professor Curzon Price is the author of many books and articles on international trade policy and European integration. Her current research interests include taxation, fiscal and institutional competition in Europe.

Her most recent publications include:

    - “Fiscal Competition and the Optimization of Tax Revenues for Higher Growth”, in Institutional Competition, Bergh A. and Höjer R. (eds.) Edward Elgar, 2008.
    - « Unarmed Bandits ? How to Fight Lobbies and Special Interest Groups”, in Reflexion 3 2007 Wie viel Staat braucht die Wirtschaft?, pp. 11-14.
    - Le libéralisme: Pourquoi ça marche ?, Ed. Favre, Lausanne, 2007.
    - “Fiscal Competition”, The International Library of Austrian Economics, Vol. 14, 2006, pp. 136-153.
    - “Trade and Investment Patterns in an Enlarged Union” in Constantine A. Stephanou (ed.), Adjusting to EU Enlargement: Recurring Issues in a New Setting, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham & Northampton, 2006, pp. 5-24.
    - “L’erreur française: la passion pour l’égalité » dans Mathieu Laine (ed.), L’Homme Libre, Mélanges en honneur à Pascal Salin, Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 2006, pp.
    - « Economic Growth and Unequal Wealth Distribution : A Dynamic Approach », New Perspectives on Political Economy, Vol.2, No.2, 2006, pp. 116-135
    - “Costs and Benefits of Membership. Making the Most of the Principle of Subsidiarity within the EU” in KUNDERY Jaroslawa ed. Rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw 2005, pp. 28-38.
    - “Le choix: servir ou se servir?” dans Le retour de la Société civile : pour une démocratie de responsables, ALEPS, Paris, 2005, pp. 51-52.
    - « Switzerland : Growth of government, growth of centralisation », Economic Affairs, Vol. 24, No. 2, June 2004, pp.31-37.
    - “Industrial Policy” in El-.Agraa (ed.) The European Union, Economics and Politics, Financial Times and Prentice Hall, London etc. 2004, pp.212-237.
    - “Bastiat et le libre-échange” dans Garello (ed.) Aimez-vous Bastiat?,Romillat, Paris 2002, pp. 113-121.
    - “Liberté, commerce et création de richesse” dans Naudet (ed.) Ethique économique, 9ème colloque, Aix-en-Provence, 2003, pp. 169-182.
    - « Index of Fiscal Decentralisation : Methodology and Findings » (with Jacques Garello), Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Vol. XIII, No. 4, 2003, pp. 441-478.
    - « Fiscal Decentralisation : the Swiss Case », Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Vol. XIII, No. 4, 2003, pp. 527-544. « The British Tax System : Opposing Trends », Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Vol. XIII, No. 4, 2003, pp. 589-604.
    “Peter Bauer’s contribution to the debate on aid to developing countries” in Blundell et al. A Tribute to Peter Bauer, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 2002, pp.78-83.
    - “Industrial Policy in the European Union: The control of state aid and support for R&D“ Chapter in El-Agraa, ed.,The Economics of the European Community, Macmillan, London, 2001
    - “Some causes and consequences of fragmentation”, in Kierzkowski & Arndt eds. Fragmentation and International Trade, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 88-107.
    - “Politiques industrielles pour l’Europe” (book review of Cohen et al. Politiques industrielles pour l’Europe, La Documentation française, 2000) in Transnational corporations, Vol. 10, no. 1, April 2001, pp. 152-155.
    - “How to become a Rich Country: Lessons from Switzerland” in Gissurarson H.H. and Herbertsson T.T., eds. Tax Competition: An opportunity for Iceland?, Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland, 2001, pp. 9-18.

Peter Gonda, the Conservative Institute chief economist

Victoria Curzon-Price: Managing Diversity and Competition in Switzerland: Lessons for Europe? (prezentacie/Victoria_Curzon_Price.ppthere for download as .PPT)

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