Radovan Kazda, an analyst for the Conservative Institute dealing with agrarian and environmental policy, editor and guarantor of the publication
Peter Tatár, a Member of the Parliament (The National Council of the Slovak Republic), Member of the Committee of the National Council for Finance, Budgetary and Monetary Policy (1998 – 2002), Chairman of the Civic Conservative Party and co-worker of the Conservative Institute
Pavel Bottka, the Chairman of the Slovak Association of Land Owners and Entrepreneurs in Agriculture
Marián Koąč, the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Department in Preąov
Ondrej ©mál, the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Department in Zvolen
In June 2002, the Conservative Institute organised an expert seminar dealing with the topic Tools of Agrarian Policy – Reduction of Corruption Risks in Bratislava.
The main objective of the seminar was to open a more comprehensive dialogue about corruption. The seminar was attended by several important representatives of executive bodies and the Parliament, research workers, representatives of non-governmental organisations and the media.
The publication (Anthology) is a summary of information from various sources. The contributions on corruption in agriculture presented at the seminar form the base of the publication.
Corruption is an accompanying phenomenon of redistribution processes related execution of the state functions. Agriculture as one of the areas of the economy where the state provides an extensive financial support from its budget is not being approached with appropriate attention as regards definition of principles and lowering of corruption. It is an issue which has significantly negative effects on social events.
The main objective of the seminar and the publication was to initiate a public discussion about this problem.
The publication was issued with financial help provided by The Civil Society Development Foundation.
The publication is available only in Slovak language here as an Adobe Acrobat PDF.