
2006 Conferences
[01.01.2007, CONFERENCES]

· Draft of New Education Act and the Legislative Framework for the Educational Reform

On February 24th, 2006, CI in co-operation with the Educational Policy Center organized a discussion on Draft of New Education Act, the Legislative Framework for the Educational Reform. Mr. Martin Fronc, the former Minister of Education and the draft promoter, Mr. Peter Tatár, the Chairman of the Civic Conservative Party (OKS), Ms. Zuzana Humajová, CI analyst, Mr. Pavol Černek from the National Pedagogic Institute and Mr. Martin Kríž from the civic association Educational Reform participated therein. Mr. Ondrej Dostál, CI director, moderated the discussion.

· How to Solve the Long-term Unemployment and Poverty? Welfare Reform in Slovakia and USA.

On March 9, 2006, the Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik, Permanent Conference of the Civic Institute and Association for Social Reform organized a conference How to Solve the Long-term Unemployment and Poverty? Welfare Reform in Slovakia and USA.

Programme of the conference:

1st Bloc: US Experience

The Sad History of Welfare in Modern America.
Ted Abram, Executive Director of the American Institute for Full Employment

Ted Abram`s lecture was held within the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (CEQLS). The lecture is available here.

Possibilities of Taking Advantage from the Welfare Reform Experience in Colorado
Bill Baker, Association for Social Reform

2nd Bloc: Welfare Reform Alternatives for Slovakia

Presentation of Draft of Welfare Reform in Slovakia
Peter Gonda, Ondrej Dostál a Michal Novota, analysts for the Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik

Draft of Welfare Reform in Slovakia is available pdf/welfare_reform.pdfhere as an Adobe Acrobat.

Social Contribution Bonus and Redistributive Social Contribution
Richard Sulík, expert on tax policy and social contribution system

How to Solve the Long-term Unemployment and Poverty in Slovakia?
Panel Discussion: Iveta Radičová (Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family), Ted Abram (Executive Director of the American Institute for Full Employment), Bill Baker (Association for Social Reform), Richard Sulík (independent expert), Peter Tatár (Permanent Conference of the Civic Institute) and Peter Gonda (analyst for the Conservative Institute)

· Should the Privileges of Members of Parliament be Maintained, Reduced or Cancelled?

On May 23rd, 2006, CI organized a seminar called Should the Privileges of Members of Parliament be Maintained, Reduced or Cancelled? The constitutional lawyers, Ján Drgonec, Peter Kresák and Ernest Valko discussed together the topic.

· The Keys to Economic Growth and Freedom and the Role of the Government

On June 27th, 2006, within CEQLS in Radisson SAS Carlton Hotel Bratislava, Richard W. Rahn, the Director of Center for Global Economic Growth, Washington, D. C. and member of Mont Pèlerine Society, which is constituted by the most important classical-liberal economists of the world, gave a lecture on the role of the government.

Richard Rahn`s lecture was held within the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (CEQLS). The lecture is available here.

· Michael Novak: O Europe!

CI organized in co-operation with .týždeň, a weekly, the lecture of the world-wide known American philosopher, theologian and political scientist of American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., Michaela Novak, called O Europe!, which took place in Bratislava on July 10th, 2006.

Lecture is available here.

· Copy the Nordic Solutions – Not the Problems!

On October 23rd, 2006, Johnny Munkhammar, Program Director for Free Market of the Swedish think-tank Timbro, gave a lecture on European Social Model for Slovakia? The Swedish Point of View in Pállfy Palace in Bratislava.

Johnny Munkhammar`s lecture was held within the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (CEQLS). The lecture is available here.

· Alternatives for Development of Forest Industry in Slovakia

On November 7th, 2006, the 2nd environmental conference of M. R. Štefánik Conservative Institute called Alternatives for Development of Forest Industry in Slovakia took place in Ružomberok. The conference made emphasis on the economical aspects of the forestal industry development; mainly on two areas, which affect significantly the growth potential of the forest industry in Slovakia: the government restrictions on the business environment and the national government ownership in the forest industry.

· Property Rights vs. “Public Interest”

The winter lecture within CEQLS cycle took place in Pállfy palace in Bratislava on December 13th, 2006. Josef Šíma, economist and employee of the Liberal Institute in Prague, gave a lecture on Proprietary Rights vs. "Public Interest".

Josef Šíma`s lecture was held within the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series (CEQLS). The lecture is available here.

· What Remains from the Hopes of November 1989

On November 16th, 2006, the introduction of Vladimír Palko's book Bernard Jaško et al. on political tribunals in 1950's took place in V-Klub in Bratislava. CI, Nation's Memory Institute and the civic association Hlbiny organized this introduction. Subsequently, the discussion on What Remains from the Hopes of November 1989 followed. Mr. František Mikloško, Mr. Vladimír Palko, Mr. František Šebej and Mr. Ondrej Dostál participated therein. The Editor in Chief of the .týždeň weekly, Mr. Štefan Hríb, moderated the discussion.

· Human Rights in China

On November 19th and 20th, 2006, the former Deputy Foreign Minister of Canada David Kilgour, visited Slovakia. The internet daily Veľká epocha and CI organized together his lecture on the situation of the human rights in China; the event took place on November 20th, 2006 in V-Klub.

· Jozef Kelemen: Culture, Science and Technology of the Knowledge-Based Society

On November 21st, 2006, CI and the Management University (VŠM) organized together the lecture of the professor Jozef Kelemen on Culture, Science and Technology of the Knowledge-Based Society; this event took place within the “2006 Science Week“ in the facilities of VŠM in Petržalka in Bratislava.

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