The articles in this issue analyse a development of politics, social system, school system and the media after the year 1989. The second topic is the role of religion in today´s world.
Charles Péguy: Collectivity As an Option
Peter Zajac: Political System in Slovakia
Peter Gonda, Karol Morvay: Slovak Economy in a Process of Transformation
Peter Pažitný, Rudolf Zajac: Solidarity
René Bílik: Between Home Rule and Centralism
Miroslav Kollár: Bad Mood – an „Invisible Hand“of the Media?
Jürgen Habermas: Faith and Guidance
Zdeněk Rotrekl: About Faith, Religion, the Youth and Other Things
Gianni Vattimo: Following a Covered Track
Miloslava Kodoňová: Christianity in Secular and Relativistic Environments
Roman Joch: What is Religion Good for?
Ulrich Wollner: Excursion Into the French Conservative Thinking of the 19th Century (2.)