The second issue brings reflections on issues regarding the Slovak Constitution, foreign and social policies and a discussion dealing with existence of conservatism without God.
Margaret Thatcher: Tried-and-True Problem, New Tasks
Peter Tatár: Socialistic Atavisms in the Slovak Constitution
Grigorij Mešežnikov: Pro-Atlantic Dimension of the Slovak Foreign Policy Manifested in Attitudes of Political Parties
Roman Joch: American Liberalism and Conservatism
Peter Gonda: Systemic Deformation of Social Sphere Funding is Not Being Solved
F. A. Hayek: Why am I Not a Conservative?
Jaroslav Daniška: Conservatism is Inherently Christian
Egon Gál: Democracy is About Views, Uncertainties, Decency and Trust
Josef Mlejnek: Learning to Go for Cognition
Ondrej Dostál: Christian Inspirations and Problems of a Decent Atheist
Interview with Ivan Kadlečík – I am Lonely Like a Mountain Pine